Moreland Middle School

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By teaching and reinforcing academic behaviors and higher-level thinking at a young age, AVID (Advancement via Individual Determination) teachers create a ripple effect in later grades. Middle school students develop the academic habits they will need to be successful in high school and college, in an age-appropriate and challenging way. Students learn about organization, study skills, communication, and self-advocacy. AVID students take structured notes and answer and ask high-level questions that go beyond routine answers.


For more information check out the avid website at


Why AVID Binders at Moreland Middle?  The purpose of your AVID Binder is to develop organizational skills that will help you in your academic career. AVID schools support students in organizing their materials and resources through a one-binder system, rather than several binders, so students have at hand the materials necessary to study for quizzes and tests and to finish homework assignments each night at home. One of the most important tools for academic success is the ability to keep materials and assignments organized.


What are the colored tabs to be used for? Each tab represents a subject in the classroom.  Each binder has a clear pouch in the front.  This is used for work to be completed for homework and  turned in at school.  Each binder has the necessary school supplies in the pencil pouch.


Please be sure that you keep everything in the AVID binder at home so that you are ready for learning.  When you are taking notes in class, you will keep them in the colored section for that subject.

When we are back on campus for learning, students will have their binder with them at school.  They will use the binder to store all their work and they will do binder checks to help them keep organized.