On August 2, 2010, the California Dept. of Education voted unanimously to adopt new standards for both Mathematics and English Language Arts. Educational standards describe what students should know and be able to do in each grade. In anticipation of the changing math standards, middle school math teacher leaders from EDS and MMS worked with math teacher leaders from Campbell Union High School District in the spring of 2013, to develop our course content and outlines. All math classes have new course titles as indicated below. Algebra and Geometry standards are now taught throughout grades 6-12. As of 2014-15, they are no longer offered as stand-alone courses because of the full integration of common core standards. Our courses and curriculum will be in alignment with the Campbell High School District so that there will be clear pathways from 8th grade to high school.
Middle School Pathway Footnotes:
Starting in the 7th grade, Math C (Compacted) courses are offered to students. These courses are offered as a two-year block so that the compacted pathway, “ Math 7C and Math 8C”, allows the student to complete the first year of high school math by the end of the 8th grade.