Moreland Middle School

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Winter Dance, January 26th from 4:30-6:00 pm

Our second MMS dance of the year is scheduled fort Friday, Jan 26th, in the Community Center Gym from 4:30 - 6:00 pm. 

You must enter the gym to pick up your child at the end of the danceNo student will be allowed to leave without an adult checking them out.

Dance Tickets will be on sale during the following times next week:

Tuesday, Jan 23rd:  Lunch and After School

Wednesday, Jan 24th:  Lunch and After School

Thursday, Jan 25th:  Lunch at After School (3:30 pm deadline, no exceptions)


Dance tickets cost $5.00. Students need their physical Student ID card to purchase a ticket and to enter the dance.  Replacement Student IDs can be purchased in the office for $2.  Students will not be admitted to the dance without a ticket. To attend the dance, students must meet the behavior expectations listed in the student handbook.  

For this to be a successful event, we need your help!  We are looking for parents to chaperone the dance.  Please sign up below via Parent Square by Thursday, Jan 25th.  
